Tuesday, February 19, 2008


MY VIEW: First of all...IGNORE what the critic say about this movie. Once again I went to see a movie that the critcs gave a low score to and saying "don't waste your time or money on it". I thought Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman gave a really good performance along with Sean Hayes, who also played a part well done. I would say GO SEE THE MOVIE, IT'S NOT A CRUMMY MOVIE!!

Jack plays a man who has a LOT of money but no friends, family or love in his life. Morgan plays a hard working black man who wanted to be a History Professor but is a mechanic. He has family and love around him. Both men are in the hospital sharing a room. They become friends and they each learn from their doctor that due to the cancer they have, each only have a short time left to live. Morgan makes a "bucket list". Things he wants to do before he kicks the bucket. Jack finds the list and adds to it and with all his wealth he talks Mogan into getting away with him and fulfilling everything on the bucket list. Jack who plays a very rich man is all to happy to fund this adventure. Morgan teaches Jack how it feels to kiss the most beautiful girl in the world. (tissue was good here)

I thought the movie was emotional, funny and had deeper thought provoking moments in it than the critics gave it the credit for. Go See It!

1 comment:

Josh said...

the pinks dish cloth that you knitted
is adorable! and the pattern on the outside is the only pattern I know
plus in the summer I get to go see Wicked in New York!