Monday, April 28, 2008



I Loved this movie! It was just FUNNY!! The acting was well done and I think that as a mother you can relate to alot of it from the "being pregnant" point. The Lamaze instructor was "wather" funny too! But Seriously which would you prefer? EVOO or PAM?It was filmed in Philadelphia just across the Delaware river from me in NJ. It got a thumbs up from me, I would say grab your girlfriend, leave the kids home and have a girl and lunch. I dare you NOT to laugh!!


Kate Holbrook (Tina Fey), a successful single businesswoman from Philadelphia, has put her career before her personal life. At the age of 37, she has finally decided to have a child on her own, but her plans change when she discovers she has only the slimmest chance of becoming pregnant. Also denied adoption, Kate gets a South Philly working girl, Angie Ostrowski (Amy Poehler), to become a surrogate mom.
When Angie becomes pregnant, Kate begins preparing for motherhood in her own typically driven fashion—until her surrogate shows up at her door with no place to live. Their conflicting personalities put them at odds as Kate learns first-hand about balancing motherhood and career by catering to Angie's childish needs. As if this weren't enough Kate also begins dating the local owner of a blended juice cafe.
What Kate doesn't know is that Angie is feigning the pregnancy and that in fact the in-vitro fertilization did not succeed. Hoping to ultimately run off with her payment, Angie begins to regret the lie but continually puts off confessing until getting an ultrasound wherein she discovers she is actually pregnant. Realizing the baby is her own (and her boyfriend's), Angie is forced to confess at her own baby shower. This unsurprisingly drives a wedge between the two women.
At the court hearing to definitively determine the maternity of the child, Angie makes an impassioned apology. The baby turns out to be Angie's. Meeting face to face after the proceedings, Angie's water breaks and Kate rushes her to the hospital. During Angie's delivery, Kate passes out. Upon waking she is told that she has become pregnant, the result of her relationship with her new beau.
Ultimately remaining friends, Angie and Kate raise their children together.

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